Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Art Club (part2)

Here is part 2 of our Art Club posts.
This week the girls worked on some milk bottle monsters.
Our mother had an example of a monster she had made.
They were each given a milk bottle,some other stuff like
pipe cleaners (for the arms), buttons, plastic eyes, wool(for hair),
sequins to decorate, beads, fabric (for clothes) etc.
The bottles were cut in the middle to make the mouth.
Holes were made in the sides of the bottles so the girls
could put the pipe cleaners through.
They painted them in the colours of their choice.
Look at the wonderful monsters!

This monster is waiting for its teeth to be put in!
They are quite rude when they stick their tongues out!

^ Sweet one^ by a 5 years old girl.

Friends together!


Our mothers monster is the middle green one, the blue one is Zainabs'.
Posing for the camera!
The monsters can be used to store things like money,
sweets, stationary!
We hope you enjoyed the pictures.
We will share more inshaAllah!





  1. As-salaamu'alaykum my dearest sisters,

    I LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEE these monsters! Tabarak'Allah. I'm thinking of getting children together for an arts and crafts time... how long does it take to make one? I have a 2 hour time limit, but don't want to rush and children.

    Thank you so much for sharing all your wonderful ideas!

  2. Salaam!

    Yes, two hours should be enough time to do this.
    Our class is also for 2 hours.
    Our mum had already pierced the holes and we helped
    most of the girls cut the bottle for the mouth.
    It's better to use acrylics for the bottles, we started
    using tempura paints but they began to flake when
    they dried so they had to be repainted.

